
Radiographs, commonly called “X-rays” are an essential tool used to detect problems that a visual exam cannot.  Cavities, bone loss and dangerous growths can be detected earlier and lead to more conservative treatment. 


A panoramic radiograph is a large image used to evaluate the bones that hold the teeth, jaw joint, sinuses and other structures.  It can reveal bone loss, joint problems and dangerous growths and abnormalities that can only be seen with this imaging. This image is usually only taken every 5-10 years.


Bitewing radiographs are typically taken every year. These are the images that look for cavities and problems with existing restorative work. 


Periapical images allow an entire individual tooth to be evaluated.  They are usually taken to evaluate individual teeth for problems like pain or swelling.

3D Cone Beam

A 3D or Cone Beam image is a 3-dimensional image of the entire jaw or isolated area of the mouth.  It gives very detailed information about the size and shape of the dental anatomy being evaluated. It is commonly used for surgical planning.

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